In world without walls, who needs Windows?
In world without fences, who needs Gates? |
This page was created to provide the information for users of SkyNet about cluster, Linux and tools available for this system. I hope these pages will be useful for everybody else.
SkyNet is a cluster of several PCs under Linux OS. The cluster has shared disk space and some other resources (print service, nqs, NW emulation, time server, WWW). NFS space is available for the cluser machenes only (see the paragraph about Access Restrictions in the info about the cluster resources).
The machinses of SkyNet are used for the same aims as any UNIX workstation in HEP-centers that is for data processing, Monte-Carlo simulation (including GEANT and PYTHIA simulations) etc. The processing power of cluster is enough to use it for the such challenge task as a full GEANT simulation of detector CMSS with a speed comparable with the fastest machines in CERN.
Created by V.Kolosov 08.06.96, Last update 29.07.98