Information About SkyNet
SkyNet is a cluster of Linux PCs in ITEP.
Now we have about 20 workstations and 12 batch machines with 64-256 MB
RAM and 1-45GB of disk space on each. Most machines are connected to
100TX Ethernet (all machines of CMS/HF group). Users can have access to
EXB8700, CD-RW drive and scaner including transperant network access.
Since 20.08.1999 we have the batch farm (12 nodes).
The translation to glibc2 was finished in July of 1998 and now almost
all software is based on these libraries. The version of libraries
is 2.1.1. As to other software resources the following
packages can be used in SkyNet for productive work:
- Shells: bash AKA sh, csh/tcsh, ksh, zsh
- Compilers: C/C++, Objective C, g77 (GNU Fortran). These
compilers allow optimization for modern Intel processor because they
are based on EGCS code with PGCC patch. You can use the following
compiler flags: -mpentium for Pentium family (default and can be
omitted) and
-mpentiumpro for PPro, PII, Xeon and Celeron processors.
Optimization level higher than -O2 is not recommended due to the possible
program crashes.
- Interpreters: Perl, Python, Tcl/Tk, expect, Java
- Debuggers: gdb with ddd or kdbg as a graphical interface.
Kdevelop can be used as an integrated development environment.
- Editors: vi clones: elvis and vim; emacs, xemacs, pico.
Each version of emacs has support of Russian spell checker (select Russian
in menu Edit -> Spell).
- Code Management Systems: CVS, CMZ (obsolete)
- HEP Tools: CERNLIB, last versions of
CMSIM (CMS detector simulation).
- Text Processors: TeX/LaTeX with koi8-r support.
- Office Suites: Applixware (called as applix), StarOffice.
- WWW Browsers: Netscape, lynx or links (text mode), kfm (part of KDE).
- HTTP Server: HTTP server (Apache) is installed on triton
and anybody can create his/her personal WWW page there.
- Web design: Quanta+ (quanta).
- ICQ: licq, kxicq
- IRC: kvirc, ircII (irc), BitchX
- X11 Environments and WM: KDE (official system of SkyNet),
WindowMaker, Enlightenment, fvwm2, fvwm95, twm.
- Image Processing and Viewing: GIMP v1.0, XV
- Drawing Tools: xpaint, xfig, pixmap
- Document Viewers: GV, Ghostview, Adobe Acrobat Reader (acroread),
xdvi, kdvi
- Animation Viewers: XAnim, mpeg_play, mtv, mpeg_orion, xtheater
- Audio Tools: xmmix, xmcd, sox, mxv + standard audio support in KDE
Access restrictions:
Due to continuous Internet attacks against our machines (and other
machines in ITEP as well) I applied the following limitations:
- All actions are logged!
- Using remote access utilities (rlogin, rsh, rexec) is allowed now
for the cluster SkyNet machines only!
- Telnet is allowed for the following domains: .ITEP.RU, .DESY.DE,
.CERN.CH, .JLAB.ORG, .FNAL.GOV. This list is not full and any your
suggestions can be accepted (
- Finger service has the same limitation as telnet.
- FTP service closed at any host except and
- Use SSH for access to cluster from everywhere except France and USA
(access can be legal if you will use unencripted connection)
- Use SSL connections to read your E-mails on iris1.
- Access to NFS diskspace limited to machines of cluster and few
others. All other rpc services were closed completely.
NOTE! All attempts of illegal access are logged, and the information
will be sent to CERT and FAGCI.
Created by V.Kolosov
11.06.96, Last update 27.07.98