Local NICA-MPD FEMTO PAG Meetings Minutes: September 03, 2019

You can view this document and the minutes of previous meetings on the web at http://triton.itep.ru/ions/NICA_FEMTO/

Vidyo: http://portal.jinr.ru/join/sUn3A85A

Present: Pavel Batyuk, Olga Kodolova, Ludmila Malinina, Konstantin Mikhaylov, Grigory Nigmatkulov


We held a local femto meeting to discuss the existing problems with MC production and other activities
this week:

The list of MC problems are below:
1. Incorrect simulation of dE/dx in TPC. ALICE method for GEANT3 to
calculate energy loss in the TPC
should be implemented to MPD software. After this change was done the
PID procedure should be adjusted.
2. Value of dE/dx are in ADCs, but it must be in GeV/cm (or MeV/cm or KeV/cm),
3. nSigma(hypothesis) is not calculated, and stored in Int_t instead
of Float_t or Double_t.
4. Primary tracks (from the primary vertex) are not written to MpdDst
5. We have to keep HEPevt (list of generator particles) at DST and MiniDst
6. We have to keep other generator information, i.e. impact parameter,
type of phase transition, type of generator, what else is relevant
7. Track information to be fixed: 
NofHitsPossTpc (the number of possible hits on the track. Problem - garbage is written), 
NofHitsFitTpc(the number of hits used to fit track. Problem - garbage is written),
TofBeta (what gives the start time for TOF?)
8. Event information to be fixed: NofPositiveTracks (garbage is written),
NofNegativeTracks (garbage is written), 
TriggerMask(some kind of trigger mask should still exist. 
In real life there will be a list triggers. How will this be written?)

We understand that this list of problems can not be fixed soon and 
the group suggests continuing the generation for the vHLLE model
with 5*10^5 events Au+Au 11.5 GeV 0-5% centrality. 
This MC set will be useful to study detector effect for
identical charged pion correlation function.

MiniDST: is almost ready. The code is in MDProot. Some small changes to be done soon.

vHLLE: vHLLE+UrQMD interface software is ready to use

vHLLE model: intersting study was done by Gleb Romanenko. 
We are going to disscuss results with Yurii Karpenko.