Test beam calibration and on-line monitoring.
- Develop methods how to calibrate modules of HCAL(+ECAL) at the beam.
- A.Gribouchine, A.Erchov, V.Kolosov
- Establish the scale in 'GeV' for each calorimeter cell
(ECAL+HCAL+HF). - A.Krokhotine, A.Oulianov
- Creation and maintenance of dynamical database with calibration
coefficients used for online calibration.- A.Oulianov
- Slow control e.g. monitoring of signal from HF (LED/LASER/Source).
Control for the variation of calibration constants due to radiation
damage. - A.Gribouchine, A.Erchov
- Monitoring of radiation fields using signal from radiation
monitors - A.Gribouchine, A.Erchov
Program support of geometry and calibration database for off-line
- Model of radiation damages (HF/HE) - A.Gribouchine, A.Erchov
- Update of HF geometry in CMSIM - V.Kolosov
- Creation and maintenance of the database with calibration constants
in ORCA.- A.Oulianov
Algorithms development for calibration and monitoring in situ:
- Develop algorithms to do calibration using benchmark processes
(gamma+jets, Z+jets, isol pi etc.) - I.Vardanian, O.Kodolova,
- Develop algorithm for pile-up subtraction (event by event) -
I.Vardanian, O.Kodolova
- The study of a possibility to use the radial Et distribution
inside jet at L1 trigger. - A.Krokhotine
- Jet and MET energy scale correction in dependence from the type of
the object or process. - A.Krokhotine.
- Determine the set of calibration constants for L1. - A.Krokhotine
- Optimization of weights (k1,k2) in k1*ECAL+k2*HCAL weighted sum to
improve jet energy resolution - A.Oulianov
- Monitoring of variation of calibration constants using pile-up
events. In particular based on the fact that average response of
Ķells having one and the same eta have to be equal. -
S.Petrouchanko, K.Teplov